Tuesday 18 October 2016

Valuation of Equity Shares

Today I am going to talk about valuation of shares. Just be relax cause this is going to be interesting topic. this topic is not only useful for students but also for those people who wants to invest in the share market because this will help them to know how to value the shares they are investing on.
so get ready.
There are three methods of valuing equity shares.

1. Intrinsic value method.(net asset method)
2. Yield method.
3. Fair value method.

1. Intrinsic value method:

This method says that add all the assets of the company (excluding any fictitious asset) and from it deduct its outside liabilities. The value that you get should be  divided by number of equity shares and that would be your intrinsic value per shares. what you have to remember is if you have any preference share capital in the given balance sheet you have to deduct it also from total assets.

yes you are understanding little bit but you need practical example: suppose the following balance sheet is given to you:

Liabilities:                                                               Amount

Share capital

1000 equity shares of $100 each fully paid up         100000
2000 preference shares of $10 each fully paid up     20000

10%debentures                                                          15000
creditors                                                                     8000

Total liabilities                                                         143000


Machinery                                                                50000
Furniture                                                                   40000

stock                                                                          30000
cash and cash equivalent                                           20000

preliminary expenses                                                 3000

Total asset                                                                  143000

Now how to determine intrinsic value ?

first add all the assets excluding preliminary expenses so ( 50000+40000+ 30000+20000=140000).

second deduct 15000, 8000 and 20000 of preference share capital as well that is, 43000 from 140000 and we get (140000-43000=97000) this 97000 is the value of equity shareholder.

lastly,  divide 97000 by number of equity shares(here we have 1000 as our number of equity share) and you get 97000/1000=97 as your intrinsic value per share.

There are lots of things to note down while calculating intrinsic value.

  • if in your questions revaluation of any asset is given, then you should take revalued amount.
  • in the above example Reserve and Surplus was not there but in your questions there will always be some Reserve and Surplus. If you find it, you don't have to deduct it because reserves and surplus are the value of equity shareholders so that should not be deducted from total assets.
  • we are deducting preference capital because our aim is to determine intrinsic value of equity shares not preference shares so their value should be deducted from the total asset. apart from preference share capital, Arrear preference share dividend must also be deducted from total assets. Here in the above question, preference dividend was not there so we have not taken it in the calculation but if you find it, please deduct it also.
  • Goodwill is to be added as per valuation. we know goodwill has its own method of valuation so we have to determine it on that basis.
  • fictitious assets are not included in total assets because they don't have any value of their own. we can not sell it and get some money from that.
  • and if you are learning intrinsic value of shares, I expect you to know the meaning of equity and preference shares.
By now I think you have understood clearly about valuing equity shares on the basis of intrinsic value. I suggest you to revise again all the above point and then we will learn more about the second method of valuation.

Take some tea or coffee and get ready again.

The next method is to value the shares on the basis of yield value.

Yield value Method :

First step is to determine "profit available for equity shareholder"

for this we need to determine average profit of the company and from the average profit deduct the amount that need to transfer to reserves. sometimes in the question it is given that 10% of profit must be transfer to reserves, in that case we have to compute 10% of average profit and then deduct it from average profit.
The second item that need to be deducted is the preference share dividend.

suppose the average after tax profit of the company is $10000.

company transfer 5% of the profit to the reserves.

and in the balance sheet it is given like that "10% 500preference shares of $10 each   $5000"
                                                   " 1000 equity shares of $100 each (fully paid)           $100000"

in the above case, profit available for equity shareholder would be:

Average profit                                           10000

less: transfer to reserves 10% of 10000 =  1000

less: preference shares dividend            =   500
       (10% of 5000)

total   profit available for equity shares      8500

The second step is to determine Expected Return

The formula of expected return is:

profit available for equity shareholder      *100
aid up Equity share capital

so, in the above example our equity share capital is 100000 therefore, our expected return would be


The third and final step is to determine yield value

formula is :

expected return/normal return* paid up value

therefore in the above example, suppose the normal return is 5% and paid up value of each share is $100 each.

yield value of shares = 8.5%/5%*100=$170

one thing must be noted here that it is the paid up value which should be multiplied not the face value . in the be given example if paid up value had been 80$ each and face value had been 100 $ each, we would multiply with 80$ not with 100$. and in that case our yield value would be;


Till now hope I have been successful in making you understand the concept so far. the final method remains is valuation on the basis of fair value which is nothing but the average of intrinsic value and yield value.

here comes your formula :

Fair value=  intrinsic value+ yield value

Practical questions:

1. Balance sheet of x ltd as on 31.12.2016


share capital:
15000 equity shares of 10$ each, fully paid                                     150000
20000 equity shares of $10 each, $6 paid                                         120000
9% cumulative preference shares                                                      60000

long term loan                                                                                    140000
sundry creditors                                                                                  80000
                                  Total                                                                550000


Sundry fixed asset                                                                             220000
investments                                                                                        40000
stock in trade                                                                                      80000
sundry debtors                                                                                    40000
cash and bank                                                                                     40000
profit and loss account                                                                       130000

                               Total                                                                    550000

Other information:

1. current cost of sundry fixed asset is $370000 and that of stock is $100000
2. Investment could fetch only $10000.
3. 50% debtors are doubtful.
4. preference dividend is in arrears for the last five years.

Find out the intrinsic value per share of x ltd by net asset method.
                                                                                    For answer click here

On the basis of the following information , calculate the intrinsic value of equity shares:

5000, 6% preference shares of $100 each ,                                      500000
30000 equity shares of $10 each fully paid                                      300000

total tangible asset (other than goodwill)                                         949000
total outside liabilities                                                                        95000

average net profit after tax                                                                 62560

expected normal yield for equity shares is 7% of capital employed. Goodwill is to be taken at 5 years' purchase of super profit.
                                                                                For Answer click here

Q3. From the following information, calculate the value per equity shares under yield method

2000, 9% preference shares of $100 each                                           200000
50000 equity shares of $10 each , $8 per share paid up.                     400000
expected profit per year before tax                                                      218000
rate of tax                                                                                               50%
transfer to general reserve                                        20% of profit
normal earning rate                                                                                15%

Q4. From the following, information calculate fair value of shares:

share capital (fully paid up)

Equity   100000 shares of $10 each
12% preference shares of $50 each

Reserve and surplus         $150000
preliminary expenses        $30000

The valuation of asset revealed that assets as per accounts are under valued by $250000

The average pre-tax profit of past three years were $500000.  tax rate 50%

it is anticipated that, due to favourable market condition, pre-tax profit will increase by 20%

Equity shareholder expect a return of 15%.


                                                            * **------------***


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