Saturday 14 November 2015

Bank Reconciliation Statement--Cash Book (Overdraft) Balance

When credit side of cash book, that is expenditure, is more than debit side we say it overdraft balance of cash book. In the case of reconciliation of statement when there is overdraft balance of cash book, we have to do just the opposite what we did in the case of favorable balance of cash book.

Take an example—“cheque issued but not presented for payment in the case of favorable balance of cash book, we added it back as our expenditure side is more than pass book and to balance it we have to add it back. Now if i talk about overdraft balance, we need to deduct it (just the opposite) because in overdraft case our expenditure is already more and in that expenditure list there is an item regarding cheque issued, so we have to deduct it. It would implies our overdraft balance is reduced after this reconciliation.

Bank charges charged by bank but not informed” here if we had favorable balance, we would deduct it but now in case of overdraft balance we have to add it (just the opposite) because we already have our expenditure side more and still there is an item of expenditure which we missed to record so result would be to increase the cash overdraft balance.

If anyone has to fail to understand so far, let us solve a question to understand clearly.


1. From the following particulars, ascertain bank balance as would appear in the pass book as on 30.4.15.

i) The bank overdraft (credit balance) as per cash book on 30.04.2015 was rs 8000.

ii) Interest on overdraft for six months amounting to rs 200 was debited in the pass book.

iii)Bank charges also debited in the pass book which amounting to rs 150.

iv) Cheque issued but not presented for payment before 30.04.2015 amounting to rs 1500.

v) Cheque paid into the bank but not cleared and credited before 30.04.2015 were rs 2500.

vi) Interest on govt. Securities collected by the bank and credited in the pass book amounted to rs 1800.


Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 30.04.2015

Particular Amount Amount

i) Bank overdraft as per cash book
ii) Add: interest on overdraft not recorded in cash book 200
iii)Add: Bank charges not recorded in cash book 150
v)Add: cheques deposited but not cleared within date 2500 2850


iv)less: cheques issued but not presented for payment 1500
vi) less: interest on govt. Securities collected by bank

but not recorded in cash book 1800 (3300)

Bank balance as per pass book (overdraft)

Thursday 12 November 2015

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Saturday 7 November 2015

Solved questions and answers of Bank Reconciliation Statement

1. From the following particulars prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 31st Dec 2014

i) Bank balance as per cash book (Dr) Rs 25450

ii) A number of cheques were deposited in the bank, but on 31st December 2014, a cheque for rs 500 were not credited in the pass book.

iii) several cheques aggregating rs 5000 were issued, but only cheques for rs 4500 were presented to bank for payment.

iv) The bank had directly collected dividend rs 400, interest rs 300 but these were not entered in the cash book.

v) in accordance with instructions, the bank had honored a bill for rs 2000, but debit note was sent to the trader on 2nd January 2015.

vi) bank charges rs 20 were not entered in the cash book.

Vii) the debit balance for November 2014 was shown short in the cash book by rs 300.

viii) the bank pass book revealed that a cheque of rs 250 received from a person had been dishonored, but no entry passed int he cash book.


Bank Reconciliation statement as on 31st December 2014

Particular Amount Amount

Bank balance as per cash book (dr)

Add: iii) cheques issued but not presented to the bank 500

iv) dividend, interest collected directly by the bank 700

vii) debit balance was short in cash book 300 1500


Less: ii) cheques deposited but not credited in the pass book 500

v) bank honored a bill but not recorded in cash book 2000

vi)bank charges not entered in cash book 20

viii) cheque dishonored but not recorded in cash book 250 -2770

Bank balance as per pass book (cr)

2. From the following particulars prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 31st march 2105

i) bank balance as per cash book (Dr) rs 1420

ii) A cheque of rs 400 was deposited on 24th march, but the same was returned by the bank on 29th for which no entry was made in the cash book.

iii) A bill for rs 5020 received from a debtor previously discounted for rs 5000 was dishonored and the bank debited the account of the merchant, but the same was not recorded in the cash book.

iv) Two cheques issued on 27th march, but not encashed before 5th April rs 650 and rs 500

v) cheques for rs 400 debited twice in the cash book.

vi) bank charges rs 75 were not passed through cash book.

Vii) dividend of rs 250 collected by the bank on behalf of the merchant but the matter was not recorded in cash book.


Bank Reconciliation statement as on 31st March 2015

Particular Amount Amount

Bank balance as per cash book (dr)

Add: iv) cheques issued but not encashed within date 1150

vii) dividend collected by bank but not recorded in cash book 250



Less: ii) deposited cheque returned but not recorded in cash book 400

iii) bill dishonored but not recorded in cash book 5020

vi)bank charges not entered in cash book 75

v) cheque debited twice in cash book 400 5895

Bank balance as per pass book (dr)

Bank Reconciliation Statement- Favorable Balance

After learning cash book, its time to understand about Bank Reconciliation Statement (BRS). It is a vital concept in Accounting and every student of accounting must have deep understanding about this. so just learn it.

   Before learning this it is advisable to learn about cash book first learn here everything about cash book  


In our day to day business activities we record the cash and bank transactions in our cash book. By cash and bank transaction, i mean  sold/purchased goods on cash or paid someone in cash or received cash from them but if we paid or received cheques from them or to them it is a bank transactions. Now the thing is that for every bank transaction made by us, we record it in our cash book and correspondingly our bank record those transactions in its pass book which is a book maintained by all banks to record transaction done by their customer through banks.

suppose, we paid rent of our business premises in cheques. Then what will happen? we would record this transaction in the credit side of the bank column of our cash book and our bank would record that in the debit side of its pass book. Here we must note that what is debit for us is credit for our bank and vice versa, so the entry must be opposite in both books.
                                 The concept of bank reconciliation statement occurs when there is a mismatch between the balance showing in our cash book and balance showing in bank's pass book. Now you are thinking how can mismatch occcurs? answer is, it can! Because it is not possible to discuss with our banker, after recording every transaction, whether they have recorded that transaction properly or not.

To explain my concept take it a scenario, our Accounting year closes on 31st march, we issued a cheque to our supplier on 28th march, there may be chances that our supplier has not presented that cheque to the bank for payment withing 31st march or presented after that date say for example 4th April, In that situation, we would record that transaction immediately on 28th march as soon as we issued that cheque  that is 28th march but our bank would record that transaction on the date on which the cheque presented to the bank for payment that is 4th April that is on the date on which money becomes transfer from our bank to the suppliers bank account. Thus it will show the different balance, because of  that transaction, in cash book and pass books on 31st march. And here comes the need to reconcile (adjust) both the balances so we need to prepare bank reconciliation statement.


BRS is prepared in the following way:

Particular Amount Amount

Balance at bank as per cash book

ADD i) cheque issued but not yet presented xxx

ii) interest allowed by bank xxx

iii) dividend collected directly by bank xxx

iv) direct payment into bank by customer xxx +xx

LESS: v) cheque deposited but not yet cleared xxx

vi) interest charged by bank xxx

vii) standing instruction for payment xxx

viii) dishonored of cheque xxx -xx

Bank balance as per pass book

Now let me analyse the above BRS.

The first line is " bank balance as per cash book" it means we are taking cash book balance to adjust it with pass book balance.

i) "cheque issued but not yet presented" it means we have issued cheque to our suppliers but they have not presented that cheque to bank for payment within date. Here we are adding it because as soon as we issued the cheque we must have credited that amount in the bank column of cash book and for this our cash book balance decreased as compare to our pass book balance ( it will be debited when the cheque will be presented for payment) so we need to add the amount to have it equal with pass book balance.

ii) "interest allowed by the bank" it means we have earned some interest on the balance maintained by us in bank but bank might have not informed us or we might have forgot to record it in cash book but in pass book it was recorded as soon as bank allowed it. so our balance on cash book is down but pass book balance is up thus we need to add the amount to have it equal with pass book.

iii)  "dividend collected directly by bank" it means we have a share in stock market as a investment and we dividend was credited directly in our pass book but in cash book we did not record it (the reason may be we forgot or were not informed by bank) here again cash book balance is low as compare to pass book balance therefore we need to add the amount to have our cash book equal with pass book.

iv) "direct payment into bank by customer" it means our customers have paid directly into our bank here also we were not informed about that by the bank or we might have forgotten to record whatever may be the reason  but the consequences for that is our pass book got increases as compare to our cash book. thus we need to add the amount from cash book balance to have it equal with pass book.

v) "cheque deposited but not yet cleared" it means we got cheque and we have it deposited into bank.we have a tendency to record it immediately in the cash book as soon as we deposited cheque. but on the other hand, bank have not got payment from that cheque so it can not record that amount in pass book till it is cleared so pass book has reduced balance as compared to cash book what we need to balance both the book is deduct the amount with cash book balance.

Here one thing should be noted that we must add/less all the amount only with cash book balance as we have started our statement with "bank balance as per cash book"

Had it been "bank balance as per pass book" we would have to do all add/less with pass book balance.

vi) "interest charged by the bank" it means we might have taken loan from bank and bank has charged interest for it. Now bank has immediately debited the amount in pass book but we can not record it until we are informed (or there may be other reason like fraud or misrepresentation of accounting or negligence) whatever may be the reason our cash book balance is more as compared to pass book balance so we need to balance them by reducing cash book balance.

vii) "standing instruction for payment" it means we have given permission to our bank to make payment timely of certain things ( may be like electric bill or gas bill or internet bill) in that situation bank immediately after making payment debit it in pass book but we might have been informed about that after the close of the month therefore, our cash book is more than pass book. To make it balance we need to reduce it with the amount.

viii) "cheque dishonored" it means the cheque which we deposited in our bank has got cancelled or dishonored that is our bank failed to get payment from that cheque. now when we deposited cheque into bank we must have debited this in our cash book but bank could not credit the same in its pass book because of the dishonored cheque so our cash book balance is more than pass book for this amount thus, deduct it to get both the book balance.

After the above adjustment whatever balance will remain must be equal to pass book balance.

We should note one more thing that at the time of recording of cash book we did not have that information about cheques not cleared, standing instruction etc etc given above. that is why our balances with pass book did not matched. 

Q) How do we know our balances have not matched with pass book?

Actually at every month end we bring "bank statement(pass book)" and when we found there is a difference in the balance of both the book we prepare BRS to reconcile the balance and on reconciling we find all the reason of difference.

Q) Is it necessary that we do not have any information regarding any transaction through cheques?

No! we have the information on maximum transaction done through cheques but there are certain cases in which we are not informed or for any reason we failed to get information. only on that situation there will be difference in balance of pass book and cash book and so we need to prepare the BRS.

The above question we just explained is about favorable balance of cash book but what would we do we had overdraft balance of cash book? to find out the answer, just wait for my upcoming post on BRS (overdraft balance)